Letterkenny 2040 Regeneration Strategy
The Letterkenny 2040 Regeneration Strategy aims to guide development of the town centre, putting people at the very heart of regeneration and change. The Strategy is visionary, innovative and creative in the design of new ideas for the town centre, creating a place where everyone will find their perfect mix of familiarity and possibility.
Letterkenny 2040 Design Concepts
This document introduces objectives and concept proposals for the 11 sites, demonstrating how the vision for Letterkenny 2040 can begin to be realised.
Letterkenny Design Guide
The Design Guide outlines the consideration, qualities, and opportunities that will help deliver a high-quality and attractive town centre for Letterkenny.
Linkages and Public Space Action Plan
The Action Plan presents a network of foot and cycle links and spaces for the future of the town. Complemented by planned investment in public transport and policies of land use planning, they will play a key role in making walking and cycling the preferred choice for those going to school, work, the shops or visiting friends.
Consultation Results
The Regeneration Strategy has been developed through collaboration with the community and council. Engagement with local residents and stakeholders was undertaken at three stages as the Regeneration Strategy progressed and the local Councillors for the Letterkenny-Milford Municipal District engaged in multiple workshops in order to ensure strong local leadership and input.
Letterkenny Brand Guidelines
This document provides all the assets that make up the brand and advice on how best to use them.