Letterkenny 2040
Letterkenny 2040 Regeneration Strategy
Welcome to the homepage of the Letterkenny 2040 Project -
a process to develop a regeneration strategy for Letterkenny town centre.
We invite you to explore these pages to find out more.
What is Letterkenny 2040?
Letterkenny 2040 is an exciting project to imagine the future possibilities for the town centre as a more attractive and vibrant place where people choose to live, work, invest and visit.
Is togra spreagúil é Leitir Ceanainn le féidearthachtaí úra a shamhlú do lár an bhaile mar áit atá níos tarraingtí agus níos bríomhaire ina dtig le daoine cónaí a dhéanamh, obair ann, infheistíocht a dhéanamh, agus teacht ar cuairt.
Faigh tuilleadh eolais
The masterplan.
The masterplan is focused on reimagining the Town Centre by creating and connecting more green spaces, embracing heritage, transforming the urban environment as a place for people, repopulating the town centre and making it the go-to destination.
Letterkenny 2040
Watch the short video to find out more.